Civilization 7 City Building STRATEGIES For LONG TERM Success
0:00 - City Planning like a Pro
0:22 - Adjacency Bonuses
2:10 - Specialists
3:27 - Building Requirements
4:31 - Quarters
5:38 - Overbuilding
7:15 - Max hexes needed to build all buildings
8:51 - Prioritizing Settlement location
9:55 - General outline of your buildings
11:02 - Selecting hexes for individual buildings
12:29 - Dealing with era changes
Understanding Adjacency Bonuses
Adjacency bonuses give extra yields to buildings placed next to certain features. Different building types benefit from specific features:
Commerce & Food: Wonders, coasts, navigable rivers.
Military, Science, & Production: Wonders, resources.
Culture & Happiness: Wonders, natural wonders, mountains.
Ageless Buildings: No adjacency bonuses.
At the end of each era, adjacency bonuses reset, making ageless buildings more consistent. Placing buildings near wonders helps maximize bonuses.
Specialists & Their Role
As cities grow, you can assign specialists to urban hexes. They generate extra yields depending on the buildings in that hex. The base specialist provides:
+2 Science, +2 Culture
Consumes 2 Food, 2 Happiness
Specialists gain additional yields from adjacency bonuses in their hex. A specialist in a hex with a +2 adjacency bonus to science will get +3 science instead of +2.
Building Placement Rules
Buildings can only be placed in hexes that touch other urban hexes.
Some buildings have specific requirements (e.g., sawmills need rivers, ports need coast).
Quarters: Any hex with two buildings. Quarters increase yields for adjacent buildings.
Unique Quarters: Civilization-specific bonuses requiring two unique buildings in one hex.
Overbuilding Mechanics
Since adjacency bonuses disappear each era, overbuilding allows you to replace outdated buildings with new ones. This refreshes adjacency bonuses and boosts specialist yields.
You can overbuild any type of building over another, except for ageless ones.
Overbuilding is improved by policy cards and government types.
Planning Your City Layout
In the modern era, a full city needs around 15 hexes for optimal building placement:
2 Water, 1 River
3 Food/Commerce
2 Science/Military/Production
3 Culture/Happiness
1 Ageless, 1 Palace
3 Large Structures (Aerodrome, Launch Pad, Rail Station)
A city with two rings of hexes has about 19 buildable hexes, though mountains and resources may reduce this.
Choosing City Locations
Expandability: Ensure space for two rings of hexes.
Natural Wonders: Consider including them for bonuses.
Resource Access: Slightly adjusting placement for extra resources is worthwhile.
Rivers: Essential for sawmills and gristmills.
Mountains: Provide adjacency bonuses.
Fresh Water: Avoid a -5 happiness penalty if possible.
Maximizing Adjacency Bonuses
Commerce & Food near coasts.
Culture & Happiness near mountains.
Science, Military, & Production near resources.
Wonders & Unique Quarters in between.
Rivers for sawmills and gristmills.
For coastal cities, avoid settling directly on the coast unless necessary. Coastal tiles have no yields, reducing buildable space.
Final Execution
The game suggests optimal building spots, but sometimes the “best” yield spot isn’t best for long-term planning.
Plan around adjacency bonuses to maximize specialist yields.
When an era changes, overbuild outdated structures to maintain efficiency.
Replace buildings in specialist hexes early to restore adjacency bonuses.
Plan cities with adjacency bonuses in mind.
Use specialists effectively and refresh yields through overbuilding.
Choose city locations carefully for maximum buildable space and resource access.
Repeat these steps each era to keep cities optimized.
That’s it! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments, and I’ll be happy to help!
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